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Flow – An original poem by Jyoti Shah

Life is like

A riverbed

A path marked out

Upon which we’ll tread

A trail to follow

Bespattered with rocks

For rivulets to trickle

And collect glistening drops

Just like water

Never stops

When boulders interrupt us

Don’t let the head drop

Everyone has

Their own seeds to sow

So, adopt your water

And simply flow

Like water has

No time to weep

It dances and surges

Through crevices deep

Keeps moving forward

Creating its road

Overcoming all obstacles

Accepting its load

As the dark night rises

And the bird sings its last song

Under the care of the moonlight

It’ll manoeuvre along

Through brooks and creeks

Streamlets will glow

As winds kiss its surface

It’ll simply flow

The sun may gleam

Or gales may caper

A stream doesn’t wait

It doesn’t say ‘later’

It won’t rest

Till it’s made its way

In a thousand years

Or even a day

Slowly but surely

We all will return

Once we’ve faced our challenges

Peace, we shall earn

No one shall listen

To the tale of our woe

Like a lone cerulean river

We must simply flow

Inclement weather

Doesn’t bring a stream down

It holds its own

And traverses those grounds

Even when

The sky turns grey

And deluges of water

Are sent its way

Accepting all challenges

Accepting its fate

Moving past those obstacles

Waiting for the storm to abate

Just as a river endures

And is willing to grow

Embrace your water

And simply flow

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