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  • jyotishah2807

Deep blue secrets

Updated: Jul 14, 2023

A ramshackle lemon submarine undulated gently on the surface of the impenetrable grey waters. I hobbled along the rickety mahogany planks to the open crater at the top of the submarine, a notepad and pencil firmly gripped in my moist, trembling hands. After slinking down into the submarine, I watched a cruddy glass dome slowly cage me in a hollow metal box which began to plunge underwater. As I felt myself being lowered into the depths of the sea, I reluctantly made my way to my porthole; a diaphanous round sheet of glass surrounded by an elegant gilded rim. I had the perfect seat for the show under the sea.

The crystalline sapphire liquid made subtle gurgling sounds as our vehicle penetrated it. The pristine, deep blue water extended perpetually as far as my eyes could see. I watched tiny bubbles spontaneously appear all around and float gradually to the surface. The metal walls of the submarine muted the faint ‘pops’ and ‘burbles’ that echoed in the otherwise silent ocean.

A plethora of colourful lumps wagged their fragile tails as they darted across the waters. They performed gracefully - swimming around in practised formations, showing off their vibrant shades of wine-red, honey, violet and peacock as juniper-green sea pickles bestrewn along the rough sea bed flickered their luminescent glow like spotlights. Handfuls of tiny seahorses also pranced among their fish friends- adding to the sensational performance. A myriad of sand grains escaped the firm hold of the sandy bed ever so often and twirled upward.

Coral-pink and sky-blue seashells encrusted on the ocean floor glinted spasmodically. I glanced up at the calm ocean surface and was mesmerised by the golden rays twinkling and glittering in the midst of surging cerulean waters.

Fractals of corals grew as we dove deeper into the ocean. Each lurid coral outreached its brittle boughs in unique, convoluted shapes. Schools of fish swarmed through the opalescent works of art- as if they were playing hide and seek. Some corals were pretentiously tinged pink, orange and purple while others faded pewter, cream and charcoal. Limp bunches of seaweed gracefully danced with the flow of water around the delicate structures.

Suddenly, the water began to turn hazy with mist as a myriad of bubbles pounded at my window, pleading to come in. They rushed all around the submarine as I felt the vehicle vibrate and begin to surface. I glanced at a group of pebbles sitting undisturbed; a yellow-red starfish clinging to them as the pressure dropped. Moments later, the brightness of the summer afternoon sky stung my eyes. I disembarked the submarine-my notepad untouched but my memory was crammed with captivating images. With a twinkle in my eye, I glanced at the surface of the ocean masking its breathtaking secrets beneath.

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