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  • jyotishah2807

Diwali- the festival of lights

As the sun dims and slinks behind the horizon, myriads of diyas flicker on like pinpricks of light dancing gracefully through the city. The air ripens with bustling chatter and excitement as people dress themselves in honey yellows, juniper greens, and wine reds- as if they’ve sauntered through a rainbow. As the sun shoots its last rays across the city, beams of golden light reflect off the innumerable mirror chips sprawled across the outfits of glowing women.

Groups of young friends gather on the streets with candles and colourful powder. With a pinch of the smooth powder gripped tightly between their fingers, grains of vivid colours tumble down, settling into a uniquely crafted rangoli. The beautiful designs mask the faults of the tar road beneath. The passers-by swoon over the explosions of colour and light.

The fragrant aroma of marigolds, orchids, and lavender sifts through the air, filling people with peace and tranquillity.

Lurid lights festooned across lampposts, shop fronts, and food stalls shine and dim with the beat of enlivening tunes. The smashing and clashing of drums blend harmoniously with the sharply pitched guitar noises and sweet melody of sitar strums. Together the instruments produce music that swirls with treble and punches with bass. The upbeat rhythm tickles everyone’s ears as it elucidates tones swelling with colour and palpable energy. One simply cannot hold back the urge to dance.

Elegantly sealed and decorated packages run to and fro, across the city, into different homes. These gifts are brim-filled with exciting goodies- from candles, soaps and coruscating golden jewellery to sweets, snacks and delicious homemade meals.

The pleasant odour of salty samosas, sweet jalebis and hot, steamy bread wafts through the city from all directions. Each household has cooked up a grand, traditional feast suffused with flavour, ready to be attacked after a day filled with decorating, dancing, gifting and worship. With a single bite of the soft, warm naan, a salty, buttery flavour lathers on the tongue. With a single crunch into the crispy, hot jalebi, sweet nectar fills the entire mouth. With a single gulp of cool, thin buttermilk, the white liquid swirls down the throat and into a content stomach. After a hefty meal, limbs fill up with a pleasant languor as people are ready to wrap up the day’s celebrations.

The festival of lights ends with a dazzling performance in the sky as fireworks burst with colour and light, showering glinting sparks upon the city of illuminated homes, full bellies and satisfied hearts.

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