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  • jyotishah2807

🗺 Our Guiding Map ✨

Please do not copy without credit.

The journey begins

On our long winding path

Planned tediously and carefully

Handpicked from HIS heart

It may begin smooth

The dawning part

Though fog limits perception

There’s always a start

Eventually though

The ease will fade

Different challenges approach

Ones you can’t evade

A wind may swirl

And buffet your face

A storm may pursue

From place to place

We must, however,

Endure it all

And stick with HIM

No matter how hard the fall

There will be days

Illuminated with sun

Thank HIM we shall

For HE is the one

Who adds a gift

One, two or three

A sprinkle of glitter

For you and me

But when that’s gone

And the weather goes awry

Do we follow our faith?

Or sit there and cry?

The trees may turn austere

And boulders may fall on our lap

But why do we forget

Our only guiding map?

Getting back up

That’s the true test

Remember to never

Leave HIS divine nest

Near us, HE will

Always linger

All we have to do,

Is grab HIS little finger

Our path isn’t bespattered

With only frivolous gold

There will come a time

Where we must be bold

With HIS help

We shall climb across

Returning to a path

With gold embossed

The one we knew

And so deeply longed

It was HE who brought us

All along

And when our path

Diverts into two

Just blindly follow

The path HE gallantly chose for you

You see, it’s simple

It’s not too hard

To always remember

Our saviour, our guard

And after all these years

You’ve stuck with HIM

You’ll see the light at the end of your path

And fulfilment shall blossom from within.


God has a plan. Trust it. Live it. Enjoy it.

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