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  • jyotishah2807


Updated: Feb 28, 2022

Here are 6 short tips & tricks that may help you write better!

  • Pen down everything

  • Maintain a dictionary

  • Write short stories

  • Talk to people with experience

  • Read new books of different genres

  • Write in a single period of time

1. Pen down everything.

Every idea you may get- big or small, jot it down and keep a record of it. Quite often, I get ideas while I am falling asleep but always get up and write them down. You may never know when you can use them. Maintaining a journal of ideas helps keep them sorted and easy to access. If you ever refer to it in the future, adding newer ideas to it as you grow as a writer can help construct a crafty piece of text based on it, as well as, develop your skills further!

2. Maintain a dictionary.

This is one suggestion I highly recommend. Be curious about any new word you come across, in books, articles, TV shows- find out what it means and write it down in your own dictionary. It's always useful to build your vocabulary. It is important to remember, however, that though you may know a plethora of new words, do not overload your text with a brimful of those words. Choose vocabulary that fits perfectly with the context, rather than build the context around using that one word and forcing it in. Let your writing flow.

3. Write short stories.

Write short stories in different styles. Everyone doesn't have to write a book. Write a short story- perhaps many short stories. Try writing a descriptive essay, an adventure-packed story, an essay in a genre you're not used to writing in, poems, practice writing an effective introduction to hook the reader etc. (Once you can write these different aspects of a story perfectly, you can craft an exceptional piece) These short stories can constantly be grown and developed.

4. Talk to people with experience.

Talk to people with experience- talk to other authors, watch interviews, or talk to your friends who like to write too! This helps develop and expand new and different styles, techniques and vocabulary.

5. Read new books of different genres.

Read new books. This helps you write in many different styles, tones and may even give you a vast number of ideas.

6. Write in a single period of time.

Try to write in a single period of time. If you are interested in writing, make an effort to do it in a particular time frame. If you write a little bit in a week and come back to it after months, you will lose your line of thought and ideas. Your style/maturity/quality of writing may also change as you learn new words and read new books. This may make it harder for your story to progress.

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