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  • jyotishah2807


Hello everyone! This is the eighth of 12 writing tips to improve your writing coming your way. These 12 tips are from my experience of writing a book, writing poems and giving exams.

My eighth tip for you is to AVOID LONG BREAKS.

This tip is especially true if you are writing a long piece- perhaps a book with multiple chapters. From experience, I highly recommend avoiding long breaks in your writing. It may cause you to lose your chain of thought and alter your writing style. Also, if you happen to return to your story after a while you may have to spend time catching up on what happened previously and may forget important details mentioned in earlier chapters that would be essential for the later chapters. Your plot wouldn’t make sense.

Imagine you are writing a crime story and have indicated in a previous chapter that the museum your character is robbing is always locked. If you return to writing a while later, you may forget this detail and have your character enter the museum through an unlocked door. Your readers would be confused and the story wouldn’t make sense.

Additionally, you may experience a change in the writing style and would find yourself constantly re-editing previous chapters to improve them rather than focusing on continuing the story. This is a scenario I have faced numerous times and therefore urge you to avoid long breaks when writing. Instead, take shorter more frequent breaks so that your story can flow smoothly without large gaps in your writing process. Stick to a particular writing style and make sure you consider every tiny detail you may have mentioned throughout the course of your story.

Bonus digital art piece

Christmas decorating

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1 comentário

21 de dez. de 2022

Thanks Jo.

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